25-28 AUG 2023
Powwow äger rum i södra Sverige den 25-28 augusti.
Det är en europeisk mix powwow som firar en av årets vackraste tider.
Trummgrupper har redan annonserat att de kommer.
Men alla trumgrupper/flöjtspelare/handtrummor är välkomna att delta. Alla som vill dela med sig av sin musik är välkomna.
För tillfället jobbar vi på att få övernattning för alla, det är möjligt att anlända fredag och avresa måndag. Mer info kommer om detta.
Handlare och utställare kontaktar oss för personlig service.
Schemat för lördagen är som följer.
10.00 Portarna öppnar för allmänheten (Konst & Hantverk och matbodar öppna)
12.00 Trumupprop.
12.30 Grand Entry
Traditionella danser blandar med intertribal och Iroquois sociala danser. Southern Straight Southern Fancy Northern Traditionell Northern Fancy Grass Dance Chickendans
15.30 Paus med underhållning. Något att äta / te och kaffe för dansare i regalier och trumgrupper
Southern Cloth Southern Buckskin Northern Traditional Fancy Shawl Jingle Dress Jr men se vuxen dock. Jr: kvinnor. Se vuxna kvinnor.
19.00 Grand exit
20.00 Middag för folk i regalier Som deltog i lördagens dans.
Ev. underhållning från scenen.
Schemat för söndag är som följer.
10.00 Portarna öppnas för allmänheten (Konst & Hantverk och matbodar öppna)
11.00 Trumupprop
11.30 Grand Entry
Traditionella danser blandar med intertribal och Iroquois sociala danser. Southern Raight Southern Fancy Northern Traditionell Northern Fancy Grass Dance Chickendans Southern Cloth Southern Buckskin Northern Traditional Fancy Shawl Jingle Dress Jr men se vuxen dock. Jr: kvinnor. Se vuxna kvinnor.
17.00 Grand exit. Mat och egen underhållning.
Vi förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar.
Info in English
Powwow takes place in southern Sweden on August 25-28.
It’s a European mix powwow that celebrates one of the most beautiful times of the year.
Drum groups have already announced their arrival.
But all drum groups/flautists/hand drums are welcome to participate. Anyone who wants to share their music is welcome.
At the moment we are working on getting overnight accommodation for everyone, it is possible to arrive Friday and depart Monday. More info to come on this.
Traders and exhibitors contact us for personal service.
The schedule for Saturday is as follows.
10 a.m. Gates open to the public (Arts & Crafts and food stalls open)
12.00 Drum call.
12.30 Grand Entry
Traditional dances blend with intertribal and Iroquois social dances. Grown Men: Southern Straight Southern Fancy Northern Traditional Northern Fancy Grass Dance Chicken Dance
15.30 Break with entertainment. Something to eat / tea and coffee for dancers in regalia and drum groups
Adult Women: Southern Cloth Southern Buckskin Northern Traditional Fancy Shawl Jingle Dress Jr but see adult though. Jr: women. See adult women.
19.00 Grand exit
20.00 Dinner for people in regalia who attended Saturday’s dance.
Maybee some entertainment in the evening.
The schedule for Sunday is as follows.
10 a.m. Doors open to the public (Arts & Crafts and food stalls open)
11.00 Drum call
11.30 Grand Entry
Traditional dances blend with intertribal and Iroquois social dances. Adult Men: Southern Right Southern Fancy Northern Traditional Northern Fancy Grass Dance Chicken Dance Adult Women: Southern Cloth Southern Buckskin Northern Traditional Fancy Shawl Jingle Dress Jr. but see adult though. Jr: women. See adult women.
17.00 Grand exit. Food and own entertainment.
We reserve the right to make changes.
What is a Powwow?
Singing and dance for religious and celbrative occasions has always playde an importtant role in North american indian culture, with great variation from tribe to tribe. the modern powwow dances describe from the ancient traditional dances of the prairie indians. which has over time been developed and spread to all tribes from the northernest Canada to the southern USA. And now to europe to. A socialmeeting place powwow is first and foremost a socialmeeting place, where you gather to meet friends and family. Dance, sing, preserve the indiantraditions and at the same time meet new ones. Powwow represents a living culture, where new songs, dance steps and styles emerge – often with roots in old traditions that are reviving – and where fashions for dance costumes change from year to year.The song and dance are the core of a powwow. powwows are open gatherings, where all are welcome. there are a range of community dances, called ”intertribals” and ”social dances”, in which everyone can participate. The history. around 1900 the popularity of the dance was declined, especially among young indians who grow up in boarding schools. All native native children were required to go to boarding schools where they received american values and education. it was forbidden to speak their own language and practice their own culture. Man tried for 50 years to prevent the dances. while the children were taught by the older generation to hold on to old traditions.
The Committe, Mc and AD.
MC (master of ceremonies) The mc explains what is happening, announcing the program as it goes on and who is going to dance next. AD (arenadirector) is responsible for the arrangement. It’s these two and the powwow committee that make sure everything runs smoothly throughout the event. Show respect by standing up and removing your hat for special songs such as the Grand entry, flag song and honorsongs. Listen to MC he tells you when to get up. last but not least: dance, sing and have fun!
Why do we dance, european?
It’s easy to misunderstand. We don’t want to be indians, we enjoy being europeans. Instead we honor them through the dance. Powwow came to europe with indians from the Usa. some want to spread it to other cultures our own culture there is nothing that corresponds to this. It still feels completely natural to dress in an indian dance costume. It should reflect who you are. Since we cannot have our own symbols, we have to ”borrow” them. Made with great respect for their culture.
There is a powwow etiquette.
How to behave in and out of the area. alcohol and drugs are completely prohibited. listen to the conferencer, who is called MC (master of ceremonies). the mc explains what is happening, announcing the program as it goes on and who is going to dance next.
AD (arena director) is responsible for the arrangement. it’s these two and the powwow committee that make sure everything runs smoothly throughout the event. show respect by standing up and removing your hat for special songs such as the grand entry, flag song and honor songs. listen to mc he says when to get up. last but not least: dance, sing and have fun! why do we dance european? it’s easy to misunderstand. we don’t want to be indians, we enjoy being europeans. instead we honor them through the dance.